COASTAL FAMILY MEDICINE is completely transparent in all healthcare costs. We provide your employees easy access to high quality medical care while driving the cost of healthcare down.

The Health CARE your Employees Deserve

  • ​Easy access to doctors, with same-day, next-day appointments
  • Unlimited office visits without copays or deductibles
  • Free care to the employees dependent children up to age 18
  • Access to doctors after hours when medically necessary
  • Personalized care from a physician who knows you and takes the time you need for your health
  • Proactive care that focuses on disease prevention and wellness
  • Child School PE and Sports PE, Child Wellness Exams
  • Adult male and female wellness exams
  • Management of Chronic Disease with a focus on prevention
  • Comprehensive education with your doctor on your disease states and personalized care plans

Work Comp Healthcare

  • When it comes to work comp, our services have a proven track record of lowering mod score and frequency.
  • We offer peace of mind by guaranteeing same day care for your injured employee.
  • We provide solid return to work plans that take the guess work out of work comp.
  • Our physicians quickly close out your work comp claims when the care needs are complete, which helps keep your premiums low

We provide 24/7 access so you have the care you need, when you need it.

Our proactive care will help your employees avoid expensive claims while having the access they need to quality, personalized care.

Keeping your Employees with High-Risk Medical Diseases Healthy and Happy

  • 96% of employees cared for by the doctors at Coastal Family Medicine report they are happy with their care and feel their chronic medical conditions are improved.
  • We empower the employee through self-autonomy, education of their disease states, and proven methods for disease prevention
  • The result?  Your employee will be healthier and happier

Reduced cost labs, imaging, procedures and medications

I use the contracts Dr. Maule has achieved for labs, imaging, procedures and medications, and have saved a lot on my healthcare, which is often less than my 20% copay.

Healthcare that travels with your team

Coastal Family Medicine has provided a unique health plan for all of my employees whether they are in Venice or out of state. Her recommendations and introductions to insurance representatives has been invaluable!

24/7 same-day access

The same-day access for minor Work Comp is a game-changer, whether it’s stitches, a bee sting needing an epi-pen or poison ivy, my guys are treated same day with a doctor they love.

How We Deliver for Your Company

  • Our physicians work with the owner and their HR to help you understand the pitfalls of your health plan and provide solutions to improve access and lower cost for you and your employees
  • We will help you identify high-risk health conditions and show you our proven solutions for disease prevention
  • We will show you which claims are draining your employer self-funded plans and show you proven strategies to eliminate or reduce those costs
  • We will negotiate strong contracts which provide steep discounts for labs, imaging, medications, specialist care and procedures
  • We will proactively eliminate claims on both healthcare and work comp policies
  • We will provide in-house services for minor work comp injuries and solid return-to-work policies that protect your employee and your company
  • We will identify High Risk Work Injuries and provide proven strategies to prevent future injuries
  • Our proven methods will help you lower your MOD score and frequency

Corporate Consulting

  • Our physician consulting can provide analysis of your work comp claims to help you identify high-risk injuries and provide proven techniques to reduce incidence.
  • In the event of a corporate medical emergency such as chemical exposures, Covid outbreaks, highly contagious illnesses your employees contract, you can access our physicians directly for consulting on how to proceed.
  • Our physician consulting services can show you unique ways to eliminate claims on your self funded health plans.
  • When it comes to work comp, our services have a proven track record of lowering mod score and frequency.

HR Support

  • 93% of members feel more confident making healthcare and benefits decisions because of our claims analysis procedures and physician consulting services.
  • Let us show you where you can save on your Self-Funded and    Level-Self Funded health plans.
  • We offer same day, easy access for minor work-related injuries and solid return to work plans to take the guess work out of safely returning injured employees.


With a Focus on Wellness and Care, Coastal Family Medicine is Committed to Serving Individuals, Employees, and Families.


Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Number

(941) 484-1444


1500 E. Venice Ave Suite 204

Venice, FL 34292

Copyright by Coastal Family Medical 2023. All rights reserved.